I’m the type of person who abhors all kinds of ‘fake’, esp. people who are fake (in appearance, attitude, behavior, personality:- pretenders, hypocrites, “plastics” (double face), fake smile, fake laugh, etc.). 

I love uniqueness, creativeness, and originality. I love reading. I start reading at the age of three, and I didn't stop since then.

I like taking pictures of clouds & sunsets. I love beautiful sceneries. In the future, when I have more time and money, I would travel around the world; visit all those great places out there; buy my own house; write stories, etc. and publish them. 

I love to eat, but I don’t get fat and I hope that it stays that way. 

I believe in true love and love that stays/lives forever. It sounds corny, but I believe that one day he would find his way to me.

“Do you believe in love at first sight? Nah, I betcha don’t, you’re probably too sensible for that. Or have you ever, like, seen somebody? And you knew that, if only that person *really* knew you, they would, well, they would of course dump the perfect model that they were with, and realize that YOU were the one that they wanted to, just, grow old with..” ~ Lucy (While You Were Sleeping)
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